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How not to talk to your child.

Worksheet Purpose:

This worksheet is designed to help you track your progress in improving communication with your child. It focuses on key areas where harmful communication habits may arise and provides space to reflect on how you are applying the recommended strategies for more effective and respectful communication.

1. Dismissing Their Feelings

• Reflect on a time you dismissed your child’s feelings. What did you say?

• How did your child respond?

• Next time, how will you acknowledge and validate their feelings?

2. Using Sarcasm or Humiliation

• Recall a time when you used sarcasm or unintentionally humiliated your child. What happened?

• How do you think this affected their self-esteem?

• What kinder, more constructive words could you have used?

3. Yelling or Screaming

• When was the last time you raised your voice out of frustration?

• How did the situation escalate or de-escalate afterward?

• What can you do to stay calm in the future?

4. Comparing Your Child to Others

• Describe a situation where you compared your child to a sibling, friend, or peer.

• How did this comparison affect them?

• What encouraging or constructive feedback could you give instead?

5. Using Labels

• What negative labels have you used to describe your child’s behavior?

• What impact do you think these labels had on them?

• How can you separate behavior from their identity in future conversations?

6. Dismissing Their Perspective

• Think of a time you dismissed your child’s perspective. What was their view?

• How did dismissing their perspective affect the conversation?

• How will you acknowledge their perspective moving forward?

7. Ignoring or Minimizing Their Problems

• When have you minimized your child’s concerns?

• How did your child react to feeling unheard or unsupported?

• What empathetic statement could you use to validate their concerns next time?

8. Giving Empty Threats

• What empty threats have you given that you didn’t follow through on?

• How did this affect your child’s response to rules or boundaries?

• What realistic consequences could you use instead?

9. Criticizing in Public or Comparing to Peers

• Reflect on a time you criticized your child in front of others. What was said?

• How do you think this made them feel in the moment?

• What strategy can you use to address issues privately and respectfully in the future?

Progress Tracking:

Use this section to reflect on your progress over time.

• Have you noticed changes in your child’s responses to your communication?

• Which new communication habits have been easiest for you to implement?

• Which areas do you still need to work on?

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