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Gestalt Therapy


Gestalt Therapy is a type of psychotherapy that emphasizes living in the present moment and focuses on your immediate experiences, thoughts, and feelings. It’s all about understanding how you interact with your environment, the people around you, and the adjustments you make as you navigate different situations. One of the core ideas in Gestalt Therapy is taking personal responsibility for your actions and choices.

In this approach, every part of your experience matters—your thoughts, your emotions, even the sensations in your body. Gestalt Therapy zooms in on the “here and now,” helping you to become more aware of what's happening moment by moment.

What is Gestalt Therapy?

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By staying connected to your present experience, you can start to discover who you really are. This process can also bring up unresolved issues from the past—what’s often called “unfinished business”— that might be holding you back. As these issues come to the surface, you get the chance to work through them, leading to more satisfying relationships and a greater sense of freedom in your life.

A Gestalt therapist may invite you to try out creative “experiments” designed to deepen your awareness. This could be anything from movement, drawing, or repeating a phrase with more energy, to mindfulness practices, meditation, or even yoga—whatever feels right in the moment. You might also explore the meaning behind your dreams and how they connect to your current life.

Throughout your sessions, the Gestalt therapist will engage in a dialogue with you, offering their own perceptions and feelings when it can help you gain more insight.

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